
Hankley Common Golf Club

Course Status

The Course is Open. The 10th tee car park is currently closed. Updated: 7th Feb 2025

Updated: 18th Jun 2021

Course Status


How to become a member of Hankley Common Golf Club

Membership at Hankley Common Golf Club is currently full, with a signifcant waiting list. However, we are keen to stay in touch with those who may be interested in membership. Therefore, if you are keen to join Hankley, please complete our 'Expression of Interest Form' by completing the form below:

Once the membership application process is open, applications for membership are accepted as follows:

Proposed and Seconded by Members

If you know two members of Hankley Common who are prepared to Propose and Second you for membership, you should ask the Proposer to obtain a membership package from the Club, which will include an  Application Form , Proposer's Form and Seconder's Form . (Proposers and Seconders need to have been Full Members of the Club for a minimum of three years.   Two members from the  same family are not permitted to Propose and Second  a candidate. )

  • Proposer's Form       To be completed by the Proposer
  • Seconder's Form       To be completed by the Seconder

All three forms should be returned to the Office 

Subscriptions and Entrance Fees

Men's Full subscription

Entrance fee
3  times subscription

Ladies' Full subscription

Entrance fee
3  times subscription

Intermediate subscription
Depending on age:
18-24 YEARS           £506
25-29 YEARS           £1,012
30-35 YEARS           £1,519

Entrance fee
3  times subscription

Junior subscription


Entrance Fee

No entrance fee.

Cost of Ladies Academy Membership: £750 plus £50.00 on bar card

Provisional Membership

If you do not have a Proposer and Seconder and are interested in pursuing the possibility of PROVISIONAL membership you should:
  • Send a formal letter by post.
  • Complete the provisional membership application form
  • Submit a current handicap certificate. 
  • (Men must have a handicap of less than 20;   Ladies must have a handicap of 36 or less)
  • Enclose a letter of introduction from your Club Secretary.
  • Send a non refundable deposit cheque of £250.00 made payable to Hankley Common Golf Club.  This amount will be deducted from the Subscription element when invited to join Hankley Common Golf Club. 
Once we are in receipt of the above, we would then be in a position to process your enquiry. 
If you are offered Provisional Membership,  you would have a year in which to find a Proposer, Seconder and the support of 4 other members with whom you have played golf.

Ladies' Academy Membership

The Academy was set up in 2013 with the objective of introducing ladies to the game of golf.  The academy programme will deliver not only technical instruction but will also introduce participants to the rules of the game and etiquette.  Although we hope that some academy members will graduate to membership of Hankley Common's Ladies section the principle goal is to provide a platform which will lead to long term enjoyment of the game wherever you play.
6 individual lessons with a PGA Qualified Professional designed to cover all key aspects of the game, including course tuition and regular progress reports.
10 Group lessons - which will give an opportunity to meet fellow Academy Members.
Access to the course after 3pm BST & 1pm DLS, on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday afternoons, once the PRO gives permission and following current covid19 restrictions on members.
Golf when booked as a Guest, within the 12 months, which will incur the usual guest fee. Subject to club diary and booked online. 
Use of the practice facilities booked online.
Guidance on dress code, the Rules of Golf and etiquette etc.
Use of the clubhouse facilities.
Invitations, where appropriate, to ladies' social events.
A member's bar card which entitles you to our members' discounts on the bar menu and beverages.
Membership of the Academy will be for one year with an option to renew for a further 12 months following discussions with the professional team.   Academy membership will only be allowed for a maximum of 2 years.
Hankley Common Membership.  Ladies who reach the required level of competence will be able to apply for membership subject to the normal application procedure.

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